Customer |
Create Sundry Debtors➔ |
Item |
Create Finished products/Semi Processed products/Raw Materials/Service ➔ |
Suppliers |
Create Sundry Creditors➔ |
Customer Category / Customer Group |
Categorize customers for pricelist mapping and filtering reports ➔ |
Item Category /Item Group |
Mapping pricelist for customers, filtering the reports, Barcode printing, Scheme settings, Stock management based on item category/group➔ |
Area/Route |
Generate Area/Route wise customer reports and Route wise collection statements. ➔ |
Employee |
Create Salesman/Deliveryman ➔ |
Unit |
Create product unique quantity code (UQC), EWB unit code➔ |
Godown |
Create warehouse ➔ |
Pricelist |
To Export ledgers to excel Set multiple pricelist for an item ➔ |
Ledgers |
Create ledgers other than sundry debtors/sundry creditors➔ |
Series |
Billing series for all transactions ➔ |
Reward Master |
Set points to consumer card holder customers ➔ |