Outstanding Reports |
For generating customer/supplier wise outstanding, it can be filtered using area/route wise➔ |
Monthly Comparison |
For generating monthly breakup of sales, purchase, debit note and credit note ➔ |
Daily Comparison |
For generating daily sales/purchases and user wise billing statement➔ |
Sales Register |
For generating sales report based on our requirements➔ |
Stock Flow |
Inward and outward flow of item stock➔ |
Employee Incentive |
Employee wise cash collection and incentives statement ➔ |
Ledger statement |
Generating ledger statement for the selected date period➔ |
Financial Accounting |
For generating Trial balance, P&L and balance sheet and also monthly profit statement ➔ |
Statistics |
For generating reports of all transactions➔ |
Purchase Register |
For generating purchase reports based on our requirements➔ |
GST Reports |
Reports for GST filing ➔ |